Balfour Beatty plc, the international infrastructure group, today announces that Leo Quinn will step down from the Board later this year, after ove
Balfour Beatty provides market-leading project management, design, construction, installation, testing and commissioning for power generation facilities. Their expertise spans nuclear and gas-fired power stations with carbon capture technology to renewable energy sources including offshore windfarms and hydrogen production facilities. With a track record spanning over 70 years, Balfour Beatty have extensive expertise across the nuclear industry including in new build, decommissioning, fuel cycle and defence projects. Current projects include large scale civil engineering projects including Hinkley Point C Tunnelling and Marine Works and three frameworks at Sellafield, where they play a crucial role in the safe decommissioning of the facility over the next 18 years.
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Balfour Beatty plc, the international infrastructure group, today announces that Leo Quinn will step down from the Board later this year, after ove